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Depending on your trip and personal needs, you can reach the Cuyabeno National Park in a variety of ways. Most people choose a regular flight to Lago Agrio (meeting point). Travelers who have more time choose a longer trip; This can be by bus or private bus service.
By planeTame Airlines offers regular daily flights from Quito to Lago Agrio, the same ones that leave at different times 9:10 am and 4 pm and it takes approximately 40 minutes to arrive. If you find a problem in booking the flight please contact us, we will help you as soon as possible.
By car The bus ride from Quito to Lago Agrio (Nueva Loja) takes approximately 8 hours and buses leave from the bus terminal at Quitumbe (in the south of the city of Quito). If you do not want to waste a full day traveling there are a lot of night bus options that you can take. In the same way there are private buses that leave every day from La Mariscal for a higher cost, the same ones that provide a lot of comfort and security. If you would like to reserve a space on the private bus, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The estimated time from Baños to Lago Agrio is 7-8 hours. Along the way the bus will make some stops to have a drink. For greater comfort and convenience we always recommend taking the buses at night; the same one that leaves from the city of Ambato direct to the meeting point (Lago Agrio), the most famous and comfortable bus company that goes there is Transportes Baños.- To acquire the tickets, we recommend going to the bus terminal in Baños.



By Plane

The only way to get to Cuyabeno from Guayaquil is through Quito airport, for the same reason you have several options to fly from Guayaquil to Mariscal Sucre airport (Quito) flights are offered by companies such as LATAM Airlines, Avianca and Tame Once you arrive in Quito, the only option you have to get to Lago Agrio (meeting point) is by the airline TAME, which offers daily flights from Quito to Lago Agrio, which departs at 9:10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and it takes approximately 40 minutes. If you find any problem in booking the trip, please contact us and we will help you as soon as possible.

By car

If you like to save money you can choose to take the bus, there are different options to get to Lago Agrio (Nueva Loja city) from Guayaquil. There is a direct bus from Guayaquil to Lago Agrio, the bus company Transportes Baños. Or if you could not take this bus you can take the bus that goes to Quito and then from Quito take the bus to Lago Agrio which is about 8 hours. Remember that if you do not want to waste a full day traveling in the day, there are a lot of night bus options that can be taken. Private buses can also be taken from Quito to Lago Agrio, which can be found in the area of ​​La Mariscal. If instead of taking the link transport service just contact us we can help arrange your seat.



By plane
If you are willing to visit Cuyabeno from Colombia or get to Colombia from Cuyabeno, there are several buses that go from Lago Agrio to Tulcan or vice versa.- Tulcan is the closest city to the border with Colombia and it takes around 6-7 hours to get there there. The bus companies that travel from Lago Agrio to Tulcán are Petrolera Bus. So next time, if you are planning your trip in Ecuador, think about this great option
In Autosi you are willing to visit Cuyabeno from Colombia or once you finish your visit to Cuyabeno continue with your trip to Colombia, we have good news :) IT IS POSSIBLE !!! There are different buses that travel from Lago Agrio to Tulcán or vice versa.- Tulcán is the closest city to the border with Colombia and it takes around 6-7 hours to get there. The bus companies that travel from Lago Agrio to Tulcán are Petrolera, the same ones that you can book at the moment of arriving at the bus terminal. So next time if you are planning your trip in Ecuador this is an excellent option to get to or leave the country through the Cuyabeno Faunal Reserve.




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