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Jacamar Lodge

let's experience the jungle and the history of the Indian people in the 

most amazing way

    Iquitos and Jacamar Lodge Expedition

 Jungle adventure program

   4 DAYS / 3 NIGHTS

2 jungle nights / 3 days at the JacamarLodgeExpedition.

Lima - Iquitos: arrival in Iquitos on behalf of the pax

Enjoy the hospitality city of Iquitos, the most important in eastern Peru. Traveling 120 km in the 3 basins of the Amazon (Rio Itaya, Rio Nanay, and the affluent of the Yanayacu River, and navigating the famous Amazon river) know the Amazon rainforest, its inhabitants, their customs and daily activities; experience a magical encounter with the river, flora and fauna, the natural environment from which the people of the Amazon can live connected with nature.

DAY 1: Selva Albergue JacamarLodgeExpedition (A C)

Pick up from the airport or from the hotel where you are staying, indicate in the name of the hotel or mention your arrival date in Iquitos for your pick-up at the airport and transfer to the office or port where we will start the pedestrian city tour with the group's responsible guide and then we return to the office. We will board our private boat that will take us to meet the houseboats that are around Iquitos and then exploring and visiting the Itaya River and then navigate the same river an average of 20 minutes to reach the famous Amazon river where you will meet the great water color change (The Amazon River Itaya River and the Nanay River and two tributaries of the Amazon River is where you will see the pink and gray dolphins and then navigate downstream of the Amazon River an average of 2 hours average to reach another affluents called amazonia and then sail an average of 20 minutes more until you reach the famous yanayacu river called jungle of mirrors is where our Jacamar Lodge is located surrounded by wild flora and fauna, our lodge is built with rustic material and all They have private bathrooms. Arrived at the lodge: 12 pm.

Arriving at the lodge toast for your arrival at the lodge disgusting our typical refreshments made and prepared based on fruits typical of our region. Juice camu camu, cocona juice, lemonade and then taste a typical lunch: 1 pm until 2 in the afternoon. From 3 to 4 navigation through the Amazon river where we will visit the beach and watch the pink and gray dolphins and swim in the same river to observe the sunset in the jungle until 6: Pm. Return to the Lodge: JacamarLodgeExpedition

Dinner: 7: 8: pm to 9 pm night excursion to search for amphibians, reptiles, nocturnal insects and batrachians.


DAY: 2. Selva Albergue JacamarLodgeExpedition. (D A C)

5th 7: am. Bird sightings program depending on weather from 9 a.m. to 12: p.m. program visit to the Laguna Yaguas Cochas where we will arrive

 To make the search of animals in their natural habitat as Monkeys, Sloths, Iguanas and other species of animals and then make the return to the lodge: JacamarLodgeExpedition

Return to lodge: 12:30. 1: Lunch: 3 to 6: pm walk through the jungle program where they will be able to learn about medicinal plants such as cat's claw, grade blood, etc. The visit program to the yanayacu river Return called jungle of the mirrors where we will get to see some species of birds in their natural habitat: 6: pm

Dinner 7: pm 8: pm to 9: pm Night excursion search for alligators and night fishing with harpoons or arrows search for night monkeys and nocturnal birds.


DAY 3. Selva Albergue JacamarLodgeExpedition. (D A C)


5: am 6: am watching the dawn of the jungle and listening to the monkeys (howlers).

9: am to 12 visit to the falcon lagoon to search for iguanas and to do the sport fishing for piranhas and see the world's largest plants victoria regia (wáter Lily) or Lily pads. Return to the lodge 12:30: pm 1: pm typical lunch. From 3 to 5 Observation of the world's largest plants victoria regia (wáter Lily) or Lily pad and perform in program boating in a lake called yagua cocha.

7 pm lunch at the lodge. 8 pm Tales and myths of our Peruvian jungle.


DAY 4. Return to Iquitos (D A).


The program visits the yanayacu river called jungle of mirrors where we will see some prehistoric bird species in their natural habitat as the giancho.

7am breakfast at the lodge .9 am visit to giant trees such as: WIMBA, CEIBA, CAPINURI, ETC. 1PM Lunch at the lodge 2 pm return to the city of Iquitos jungle.

Thanks atte. the management Travel and tourism agency in the Peruvian jungle Iquitos - Peru.

Rio Amazonas seven natural wonders of the world Return to Iquitos pm arrival to Iquitos 5:30: pm in the afternoon

Package includes:

  • pick up from airport / hostel

  • Guide 24/7

  • Food and drinks

  • Walking boots

  • Day tours and activities

  • Monkey Island

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