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An exceptional experience with the wild animals of the Amazon forest



Immerse in Cuyabeno WildLife Reserve in the Heart of the Amazon Jungle - Day One 
We welcome you to your Cuyabeno Amazon Rainforest Tour at our meetingpoint“LaCasa de mi Abuelo” Restaurant, from here we’ll leave at 9:30am.

For those who arrive by plane, we will greet you at the airport upon your arrival, then we go towards to the entrance to the Cuyabeno Reserve (Cuyabeno Bridge River) about 2 hours. 

Lunch will be served and immediately we will start our exploration intothe amazon jungle of ecuador by boat.  In the boat ride hear the sounds of the wild life ,while you watch the scenery changing along the Cuyabeno River waters and between trees. In this boat trip you will be able to watch the birds, monkeys and other jungle creatures, accompanied by a guide who will provide information on how the animals and plant interact and balance the life with in the Cuyabeno Ecosystem in which they coexist. 
Finally arrive to the Ecolodge, we will settle in each of the cabins. After dinner our native  guide gives us a briefing introduction of the activities for the next days in CuyabenoNational Park. 

Explore the Ecuadorian Amazon Jungle at Cuyabeno

Day Two
On the morning before breakfast, you can hear the noise of birds flying around our bungalows in the ecolodge, as well enjoy a completely fascinating sunrise.

After breakfast,we continue upriver to start a trekking on the banks of the Cuyabeno River, where you can        See different species of plants, huge trees, aquatic vines,orchids,medicinal herbs and alarge number of wild animals and birds of the Amazon jungle.

After serving lunch,our guide will show you how to be a great hunter learning to use a real blowgun then you will have time to swim and relax in Laguna Grande while watching the pink and grey dolphins play on the        water.

Once you have enjoyed one of the best sun sets of your life,we will return to the lodge for dinner.

After dinner, you will embark on an exciting canoe ride where you will see the famous black caimans of the Amazon. During this journey you will hear the mysterious noises of the forest. This is an experience you will never forget. 

Discover the legends of the Siona Community
Day Three 
Early in the morning we will enjoy breakfast to travel by canoe to the Siona Indigenous Community, where we can interact and learn about their traditions, culture and customs.

In the same we will learn to elaborate the tribe. After that  we will visit a giant Sumaúma tree, approximately 100 years of age. The Sumaúma tree is recognized as the Amazon’s largest tree species in both height and diameter, reaching up to 40 meters (130 ft). Return to the community for lunch. In the afternoon, finally meet the Shaman, it will make us perceive and interact with their spiritual world, channeling their energies, visionary, healing and divinatory skills acquired over the years. Aswell as you will also have time to acquire the beautiful handicrafts made by the locals. 


From Cuyabeno back to Civilization
Day Four 
Early in the morning we will do bird watching down the river,after that activity we will serve a breakfast and embark on a canoe ride on the Cuyabeno River back to civilization. The Transportation will pick us up from the entrance of the Cuyabeno National Park towards Lago Agrio (meeting point) for later Continue with our usual trip in Ecuador. End of our  services. 


WhatsApp Image 2018-12-03 at 19.28
WhatsApp Image 2018-12-03 at 19.28
WhatsApp Image 2018-12-03 at 19.28.46
WhatsApp Image 2018-12-03 at 19.28

Package includes :


  • Airport pick up

  • lodging

  • Canoeing in the Amazon

  • Day trips

  • Night trips

  • Tribal experience

  • Kayaks

  • Observation of sunrise

  • and sunset in Laguna Grande

  • Tea and coffee whenever you like

  • Visits Activities and trips in the animal reserve of his victim

  • Suits and boots for walking

  • Breakfast on the first day of the trip $ 3.5

  • Saman On the fifth day. $5

  • Meeting with the community $5


not includes

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